Cutting the cauliflower into bite-size florets makes for easy eating.
Cauliflower means “cabbage flower”; this is a fitting name, since cauliflower is a variety of cabbage — hence the strong cabbage-like aroma when it’s cooked.
Nutrition Information
Valeur nutritive
% Daily Value
% valeur quotidienne
Calories / Calories
Saturated / saturés
0.2 g
+ Trans / trans
Cholesterol / Cholestérol
Sodium / Sodium
315 mg
Carbohydrates / Glucides
8 g
Sugars / Sucres
3.5 g
Protein Protéines
3 g
Vitamin A / Vitamine A
Vitamin C / Vitamine C
Use a combination of cauliflower and broccoli, keeping the total amount at 5 cups (1.25 L).
To make this soup vegan, substitute vegetable broth for the chicken broth.
To roast your own red peppers, quarter peppers and remove seeds. Place skin side up on a rimmed baking sheet in a 450°F (230°C) oven and roast for 10 minutes. Turn peppers over and roast for 10 to 15 minutes or until skins are blackened. Transfer peppers to a small bowl, cover tightly and let stand for about 15 minutes. When cool enough to handle, peel off blackened skin and discard.