You can vary the taste and texture of this granola by trying different grains and adding dried fruits such as apples, pears and dates.
Although sunflower and pumpkin seeds provide fiber, they are also high in fat. This means they become rancid quickly. Be sure to buy them from a store with high turnover, use them quickly, and store in the refrigerator.
Nutrition Information
Valeur nutritive
% Daily Value
% valeur quotidienne
Calories / Calories
Saturated / saturés
3.1 g
+ Trans / trans
0 g
Cholesterol / Cholestérol
1 mg
Carbohydrates / Glucides
30.2 g
Sugars / Sucres
12.8 g
Protein Protéines
8.1 g
Vitamin A / Vitamine A
Vitamin C / Vitamine C
This granola makes a great energy-packed breakfast or healthy snack. Like most granola, it is high in calories and fat, so serve it with skim or a lower-fat milk or yogurt. Add fresh fruit salad for great-tasting breakfast.