Yogurt Granola Mountain

Makes 1 serving

Preparation Time: 5 min

2012 Kids Recipe Challenge winning recipe: 3rd Place!


½ cup plain non fat Greek yogurt 125 mL
ice cream cone
¼ cup low fat granola 60 mL
½ cup sliced strawberries and raspberries 125 mL
half pear, cored and diced half
This is truly a kid’s delight! Each child that makes this treat will create their own unique mountain of flavour.


Step 1
Place yogurt in a mound on a plate. Place ice cream cone on top to look like a mountain.

Step 2
Sprinkle granola all around. Place strawberries, raspberries and pear around the base of mountain.


Try different types of fruit and granola to make this dessert your own!

Nutrition & Notes

Nutrition Information
Valeur nutritive
per 1 serving
% Daily Value
% valeur quotidienne
Calories / Calories 265
Fat / Lipides 1.9 g
Saturated / saturés
+ Trans / trans
Cholesterol / Cholestérol
Sodium / Sodium 11.2 mg
Carbohydrates / Glucides 46.0 g
Fiber / Fibres 7.9 g
Sugars / Sucres
Protein Protéines 15.4 g
Vitamin A / Vitamine A
Vitamin C / Vitamine C
Calcium / Calcium
Iron / Fer
Meera, from Thornhill, thinks kids will like this recipe because it is new and different and it’s fun to make.