Yummy Tummy Clocks

Makes 1 pita

Preparation Time: 5 min

2012 Kids Recipe Challenge winning recipe: 3rd Place!


small whole wheat pita
2 tbsp hummus 30 mL
quarter yellow bell pepper, sliced quarter
quarter red bell pepper, sliced quarter
carrot, cut into rounds
Here is a great way to teach time and enjoy a tasty snack! Let kids put together the clock and choose what time they are going to eat it up. Look for a variety of delicious hummus flavours available to change up the taste.


Step 1
Spread the hummus evenly over the pita.

Step 2
Place the carrot rounds around the outer edge of the pita to make the clock numbers.

Step 3
Use a yellow and red pepper strip to make the hands of the clock. Serve remaining yellow and red pepper strips alongside.


Try this with other favourite ingredients like bananas and other fruits to make the clock.

Nutrition & Notes

Nutrition Information
Valeur nutritive
per 1 pita
% Daily Value
% valeur quotidienne
Calories / Calories 196
Fat / Lipides 3.9 g
Saturated / saturés
+ Trans / trans
Cholesterol / Cholestérol
Sodium / Sodium 318 mg
Carbohydrates / Glucides 36.8 g
Fiber / Fibres 6.5 g
Sugars / Sucres
Protein Protéines 6.3 g
Vitamin A / Vitamine A
Vitamin C / Vitamine C
Calcium / Calcium
Iron / Fer
Hannah, from Cambridge, thinks kids will like this recipe because kids can add the toppings in different ways.